Best Security Practices
These security tips can and should be used for all software
- Any system that requires you to log in
- Banking, email, utility providers, social media, etc.
- If something is very convenient, it likely isn't very secure
Unique, Long, Strong
Your username & password are part of your private keys. Choose strong credentials
No Recycling
Don't reuse login info. If one service is compromised, every other service using that info is compromised
1 More Character Makes a Difference
Each additional character to a password makes it exponentially harder to crack
Password Managers
Using password managers gives you the most randomness (good) & helps you use unique, long keys
Secure Backups
No matter how well you can remember passwords, it's safest to keep written records of important logins in a secure space
Convenience vs. Security
Accessing your confidential information should only be convenient for you, not bad actors. Don't make it easy for them
Don't Assume
If you think a password is compromised, change it or make a new account. Don't wait to see
You Can't Get it Back
Just like the internet and blockchain, compromised info lives forever